2.46.2 Released!
Post date: Sep 05, 2011 2:33:13 PM
2.46.2 is actually a fairly major release. Although based on the official NSIS 2.46 release, there has been some extensive improvements.
For example, we've added two new commands: GetFontVersion and GetFontVersionLocal. These commands can be used to get the version information from a TTF font file. This command is valuable for those who are distributing and updating fonts with their products.
Changed linear look-up of keyword tokens to a hash table which greatly increased NSI compilation speed. Although NSI script compilation is generally not a bottleneck in the build process, you will notice a marked improvement in NSI compilation speed.
The log generated by the logging build now outputs a BOM at the beginning of a new log file so that many text editors can recognize the file as UTF-16LE.
Apart from these major changes, there has been some general bug fixes and improvements to translations. The source code also now builds on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010's version of C++.